How To Remove Waterproof Mascara
When it comes to choosing a mascara that can last all day, waterproof mascara is definitely the first choice to choose from. Waterproof mascara adds volume and length to your lashes, making your eyes look flawless, and it stays on for quite a while. That being said, you won’t need to worry about any smudging from the mascara at all if your face comes in contact with water. The ingredients in the mascara contains very volatile solvents and substances called isododecane that help the mascara last for hours on end. So even on a rainy day or or a day at the beach, waterproof mascara will provide the best results.
But there is definitely one big problem with any waterproof mascara. It can be challenging to remove them after a long day filled with activities. When removing waterproof mascara, you have to be super careful or else you will end up pulling some your eyelashes out. If that happens, it can irritate the skin around your eyes or even develop as an eye infection.
So let’s get started on finding out some easy ways to get rid of waterproof mascara off your eyelashes without any side effects.
1. Cleanser
One of the easiest way to remove waterproof mascara is by using a good facial cleanser. Don’t rub it hard; just gently massage the cleanser in a circular motion over your eyes and lashes. By doing this, the cleanser will start slowly dissolving the mascara. Once you’re done, rinse out with water. But do be careful with this procedure, especially getting the cleanser in your eyes. If it does get into your eyes. it can cause irritation so be careful when applying the facial cleanser.
2. Waterproof Mascara Remover
There are so many water proof I makeup remover’s in the market today such as Lancome Bi-Facil double-action I makeup remover, Neutrogena oil free I makeup remover, Chanel precision I makeup remover, Estee lauder Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover And Elizabeth Arden All Gone Eye Makeup Remover. Take a makeup wipe or a cotton ball and slowly wipe off the mascara. Once eyelashes are clean wash it off with water.
3. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is a natural and cost-effective way to remove waterproof mascara in minutes. Using your fingers to dab a little bit of petroleum jelly on your finger tips and then coat your lashes-wait for five minutes. Once you’re done, use a cotton ball dipped in warm water to remove all the petroleum jelly you have on your lashes. But make sure the petroleum jelly does not go inside your eyes.
4. Baby Oil
Baby oil is another way that is quite useful in removing waterproof mascara. But you really need to be careful since baby all can irritate your eyes because it has petroleum in it. Use a clean cotton ball and slowly dab some baby oil on it. Once you’re done, close your eyes and position the cotton ball at the bottom of your eye lashes. Wait for a couple minutes and wipe the lashes with the cotton ball until you’re eyelashes are clean. Instead of baby oil, you can use baby shampoo as well for cleaning your lashes. Usually, baby shampoos don’t have any tear formula so it won’t hurt your eyes one bit.
5. Coconut Oil
You can easily take off your waterproof mascara and other eye makeup by dabbing coconut oil on a cotton ball or any other soft tools to get rid of it. Once you dab the coconut oil, gently and slowly sweep it over your eyes. When using coconut oil to remove the mascara, apply on the cotton pad and hold it over the lashes for at least 30 seconds. This way the oil will have time to break down the mascara. Once you’re done, wash your face with warm water.
6. Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the greatest choices to remove the waterproof mascara in a fast, easy manner. Before applying the olive oil directly on your eyelashes, you need to splash some water on your eyelids first. Now take a cotton ball that’s dipped in olive oil, gently press it on your eyelashes. Don’t forget to keep your eyes closed so that the oil will not get into your eyes. Let it stay for at least one minute on your eyelashes then wipe it down. Once you’re done, wash your face clear with lukewarm water. Another thing to keep in mind is that all of oil keeps your delicate skin shine bright. You can also use olive oil to remove all your face makeup.
There so many products out there that can be used to remove waterproof mascara. Some of them have very organic ingredients such has organic rose hips, avocado, and jojoba oil with organic rose. Even though some products are good for removing waterproof mascara, it’s not the cheapest option. However if you got the cash for it, then go right ahead and get some products right away.
In conclusion, the above tips that’s mentioned can definitely get rid of the most stubborn waterproof mascara to disappear with minimal work or stress on your lashes. If you have any other ways to get rid of your waterproof mascara then comment down below for others to know.